Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 5, 2013

Senior minister in sky-high drama

Mark Dreyfus

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus failed to turn his phone off on a Qantas flight. Source: News Limited

QANTAS called the Australian Federal Police to deal with federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus after he failed to turn off his mobile phone during a flight.

The AFP confirmed today that it had received a request for assistance from the airline during the Sydney to Brisbane flight on April 23.

Officers met the plane when it landed at Brisbane Airport.

Qantas staff had told one of the country’s top lawmakers to stop using his phone during the flight for fear it could interfere with the aircraft’s systems.

But he refused and the airline staff called for help from the AFP mid-flight.

“The AFP has been advised of an alleged incident on board a flight from Sydney to Brisbane on 23 April 2013,” an AFP spokesman said.

“The incident involved a passenger allegedly failing to comply with the directions of crew.”

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But when the aircraft landed the airline had withdrawn its complaint

“The AFP responded to a request for assistance from the airline when the flight landed at Brisbane Airport,” the AFP spokesman said.

“On arrival the airline advised no assistance was required.”

The Attorney-General's Office has confirmed the incident happened.

Mr Dreyfus denies that he ignored repeated requests to switch his phone off.

His office said he was asked once by flight staff to turn his phone off but not by the captain, though the flight deck was informed of his conduct, 3AW reported.

Qantas has remained tight-lipped, saying it does not comment on individual customers.

View the original article here

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