Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 5, 2013

Clive Palmer in TV ad blitz

Clive Palmer

Clive Palmer has expanded on his plans for the United Australia Party. Picture: Mark Calleja Source: The Courier-Mail

BILLIONAIRE aspiring prime minister Clive Palmer will launch a television advertising blitz next week, insisting he wants to keep his campaign positive and steer clear from negative personal attack ads.

Professor Palmer has released a series of clips promoting his United Australia Party which he says will run on commercial television networks from Monday.

The mining magnate declined to detail the budget for the campaign or how long the ads would continue for but insisted he would campaign until September 14 and do "whatever it takes for people to have an alternative".

While he criticises the major parties' involvement with lobbyists, the short ads mainly feature Professor Palmer looking relaxed, calling for support, talking about how he will unite Australians, promoting his website and talking about his desire to cut taxes.

Although they are light on policy detail, Mr Palmer said he wanted to get the basic themes of his party out there after its recent launch.

Professor Palmer said he did not know how much of his own money had been given to the party but that there were other contributes as well.

"There is a party executive and a committee," he said.

"I do contribute but it's not all my money."

But he said he would not participate in the vicious attacks ads that the major parties relied on during campaigns.

"I can't see us doing that," he said.

"Our basic philosophy is that politics should be about ideas, not attacking people."


View the original article here

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