DELAYS: Departure times at Brisbane Airport have blown out in January. Source: The Courier-Mail
A NEW runway demand management tool introduced at Brisbane Airport has made little difference to travellers with almost one in three flights arriving late and departure times getting worse in January.
New monthly data released by the Federal Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, show 30 per cent of flights arrived late - down from 30.8 per cent the previous month.
But departure times blew out, with 24.6 per cent leaving more than 15 minutes later than scheduled compared with 21.1 per cent the previous month.
The results again left Brisbane Airport among the worst in the country for on-time performance, well behind Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Cairns, Canberra and Darwin.
They have deteriorated significantly compared with a year ago when 81.8 per cent of flights departed on time, and 78 per cent of arrivals landed within 15-minutes of schedule.
The new Metron system introduced by Airservices Australia in December operates by holding aircraft on the ground longer at airports, in order to limit the amount of time they spend in holding patterns at their destination.
Although a statement from Airservices Australia said the system had already reduced the amount of time aircraft were spending in holding patterns over Brisbane, the improvement has not been reflected in the data.
The BAC is demanding airlines start paying now, seven years before the runway is operational, but the airlines have been refusing.
Yesterday, the Premier called on the Federal Government to intervene in the stoush to ensure the construction of the runway goes ahead.
Preliminary works began in September, but a BAC spokeswoman said the second stage could be delayed if funding was not secured.
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