Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 4, 2013

Tony's talk to win over swing voters

TONY Abbott will tonight front 100 undecided voters in Australia's most marginal electorate, Corangamite, in an hour-long chat to win hearts and minds.

Both the main candidates in the battle for the seat of Corangamite said it was an important opportunity for the community in the lead-up to this year's election.

Liberal candidate for the seat, Sarah Henderson, said the forum would allow Mr Abbott to listen directly to the people of Corangamite.

Follow it live on and Sky News National (channel 601) from 8pm AEST tonight and debate Tony Abbot’s performance with political pundit Mitchell Toy on your smart phone

Sitting Labor member Darren Cheeseman also said it was an important opportunity for people to find out what an Abbott government would mean for local jobs, particularly in the car industry.

The Herald Sun/Sky News forum will be moderated by Sky News political editor David Speers.

The audience for the forum will be selected by Galaxy Research. Ms Henderson said job security, the cost of living and responsible economic management were all key issues.

"In our region, thousands of jobs have been lost or are under threat. Manufacturing is in rapid decline, made all the worse by the insidious carbon tax which is a tax on Geelong and a tax on jobs," she said.

Mr Cheeseman agreed jobs were a key issue.

"I'm sure that will be canvassed at length, particularly in terms of what an Abbott government would potentially mean for workers in the manufacturing sector," he said.

Mr Speers said the great thing about these forums was their unpredictability.

"Issues can come up that aren't on the radar and so we can see a political leader taken out of their comfort zone," he said.

This forum is the first in a series of events to come during the 2013 Election campaign. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has been invited to take part in a second forum.

View the original article here

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