More Australians are heading overseas for surgery. Picture: Getty Source: National Features
AN increasing number of Australians are presenting at hospitals with complications from cosmetic surgery performed overseas, a leading surgeon says.
Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons president Geoff Lyons says the issue of medical tourism has only emerged in Australia in the past five or six years but it is a growing problem.
It is difficult to know the exact number of people who are travelling overseas for cheap surgery, but the number is definitely rising, he says.
"There are a number of thousands of people doing it each year and the indication is those figures are increasing and they're increasing dramatically," Dr Lyons told AAP.
He said the major driving factor was cost.
The most popular procedure for Australians engaging in "medical tourism" is breast augmentation.
But breast reductions and abdominoplasty - or tummy tuck - procedures are also common.
Patients who develop complications once home face the extra hurdle of being treated by a doctor who did not perform the original procedure.
The cost of treating the complications has to be absorbed by Australia's public health system, unless the patient opts for private treatment which can be difficult, Dr Lyons said.
"They have to double dip into their costings.
"That's often difficult for them and distressing."
Australians mostly choose Asia, particularly Singapore and Thailand, when heading overseas for surgery.
But the market is global.
Speaking at the Plastic Surgery Congress in Melbourne on Wednesday, experts from the US and the UK said Mexico, Eastern Europe and Africa also attracted large numbers of "medical tourists".
British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) president Graeme Perks said a recent survey found 16 per cent of people in the UK would travel overseas for surgical procedures.
He said it was estimated 43 per cent of Britons who travel overseas for surgery do so for cosmetic procedures.
Research published by BAPRAS found that of 215 patients who travelled overseas for procedures, 74 per cent had complications, 26 per cent were unhappy with the appearance and 26 per cent required emergency surgery.
He estimated cleaning-up botched surgeries performed overseas cost the UK anywhere between STG500,000 ($A747,000) and STG5 million ($A7.47 million).
"It shows how much we know about what's going on," Mr Perks said.
Dr Lyons said medical tourism is an increasingly big area because cosmetic surgery is an increasing area.
"It's an area that generates a lot of money," he said.
"So you get people trying to target that industry."
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