Rude seat reclining is one of the most annoying habits of passengers. Picture: Source:
HURRY up with those bags and stop kicking my seat!
The five most annoying things passengers do on planes have been revealed in TripAdvisor's first Australian survey on air travel. Are you guilty?
The number one pet peeve when it came to plane manners was people who rudely reclined their seats. This scenario has lead to fist-fights in the skies in recent years.
Parents who don't control their children and annoying kids who constantly kick the seat in front of them were the next most annoying etiquette faux pas in the skies.
In fact, more than a third of those surveyed would be willing to pay more for a child-free flight, an idea airlines have cottoned on to, with AirAsia X and Malaysia Airlines creating "quiet zones" on their planes where children are banned.
Other no-nos include sneezing or coughing without covering up, blocking the aisle of the plane or taking too long to put away your bags.
It also addressed the dilemma: which seat is better - window or aisle?
When given the option 57 per cent would choose an aisle seat, 43 per cent the window seat and less than 1 per cent would squeeze into the dreaded middle seat.
Common complaints about air travel in general included uncomfortable seats, being seated next to loud passengers or children, unpredictable flight delays, the inconvenience of multiple airport security measures, and expensive airfares.
A third of the respondents don't believe air travel has improved in the last five years.
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