Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 3, 2013

Sica found not guilty of child's rape

CONVICTED triple murderer Massimo "Max" Sica has been found not guilty of raping and repeatedly abusing a young girl over a four year period.

Sica - who is already serving a record 35-years in jail for the 2003 murder of the Singh siblings - is the latest in a growing list of reviled convicted criminals - including infamous pedophiles Dennis Ferguson and Roy Schloss - to be a acquitted after a rare judge only trial.

Brisbane District Court judge Michael Shanahan delivered the verdict to a stunned packed court - including Sica's parents Carlo and Anna and his siblings - on Friday morning.

Judge Shanahan deliberated almost two weeks before handing down his verdict 21 sex offences - including child rape.

Sica received three life terms of imprisonment - an"d ordered to serve a minimum of 35-years - for the savage murder of the Singh siblings Neelma, 24, Kunal, 18, and Sidhi, 12.

Judge Shanahan, in his written 50-page decision, said medical evidence revealed the girl physically showed all the hallmarks of being a virgin and could not have been subjected to the sexual attack alleged.

"There is one fact ... which causes me significant concern," he said.

"Considering the medical evidence I cannot be satisfied beyond a seasonable doubt that the penetrative (sexual) acts occurred as described by the (girl)."

Judge Shanahan also commented on the girl's "credibility", saying her evidence raised a "number of issues of concern."

"I am not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that any of the counts have been proved ... (and) verdicts of not guilty are entered to each of the counts."

Sica, who stood ramrod straight in the dock of Court 31 for the verdict, breathed out deeply and smiled as he heard Judge Shanahan's decision.

Outside court, Sica's jubilant brother, Claudio, said: "Justice has finally been served, but not fully."

"There was no other verdict that could have been given."

Sica has become the latest in a growing long line of infamous criminals to win judge only trials - including notorious pedophiles Dennis Ferguson and Roy Schloss.

Sica was granted the judge-only trial after his lawyers convinced the court Sica's notoriety would make it almost impossible to find and impartial panel of jurors anywhere in Queensland.

Sica early last month pleaded not guilty to 21 sex offences, including two counts of rape and one of maintaining a sexual relationship with the child between November 15, 2004 and September 10, 2008.

Then aged 35 to 39, he was also charged with nine counts each of unlawful carnal knowledge and indecent dealing of a child under 16.

The court had been told Sica allegedly had sex with the child, then aged between nine and 13, more than 100 times during the four-year period.

In July, a Brisbane Supreme Court jury found Sica guilty of the 2003 murder of the Singh siblings.

He was sentenced to three life terms, with a record minimum non-parole period of 35-years.

Sica has appealed those verdicts, with a two day hearing scheduled to start in the Court of Appeal in Brisbane on May 27.

View the original article here

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