Emily Vo, 10, and her friend Supreeda Phengchaem, 12, whose quick thinking and actions have made her the nation's youngest recipient of a Commendation for Brave Conduct in the 2013 Australian Bravery Awards. Picture: Tim Marsden Source: The Courier-Mail
TEN-YEAR-OLD Supreeda Phengchaem showed maturity and courage well beyond her years when she saved her friend from certain death by dragging her from under the wheels of a moving truck.
Walking home from school in August 2011, Supreeda's friend Emily Vo, then eight, began crossing on a green pedestrian signal in Thornlands, on Brisbane's bayside, when she was knocked over by a left-turning truck.
Supreeda reached forward, grabbed Emily by the backpack and pulled her out of the path of the truck's rear tandem wheels. The truck ran over Emily's leg, breaking it, but would have run over her head and torso if not for Supreeda.
Her courage and quick thinking have made her the youngest recipient of a Commendation for Brave Conduct in the 2013 Australian Bravery Awards.
Supreeda's father Glen Jeffery said his daughter showed remarkable presence of mind, but still blamed herself for the accident.
"She thought it was her fault and got very down about it," Mr Jeffery said. "Emily's parents assured her she'd saved their girl's life and even bought her a scooter to thank her, but she still felt guilty."
Mr Jeffery said it wasn't until Supreeda received a bravery award from the Queensland Ambulance Service that she realised the significance of her actions.
"That day she came back to normal as it made her realise she really was a hero," he said. "There's no doubt Emily would've been killed if she hadn't pulled her out. She's amazing, a very good-hearted girl."
Several Queenslanders have been cited for bravery in this year's awards. Of 50 bravery commendations, 27 went to Queenslanders and 11 of the 15 Group Bravery Citations were from Queensland, 10 of them for incidents in the 2010-2011 floods, including swift-water rescue and helicopter rescue teams.
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