Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 3, 2013

Stowaway cat's accidental 5271km trip

A persian cat

A Persian cat snuck into its owners suitcase for a nap and ended up 5271km away. Picture: Supplied Source: AFP

THIS is one lucky cat who's sure to have used up at least one of its nine lives.

Bisou, a seven-year-old Persian cat, couldn't have imagined the fate awaiting her when she crawled inside her owner Mervat Ciuti's suitcase for a nap at their home in Cairo, the UK's Daily Mail reported.

Ms Ciuti, 42, was packing to visit her sister in the UK and didn't realise where Bisou had gone.

The cat wasn't detected by airport security and made it onto the plane, stacked alongside hundreds of other bags during the six-hour and 5271 kilometre flight and road trip.

After she landed Ms Ciuti received a phone call from relatives in Cairo, who realised the cat was missing. Convinced Bisou must be dead, she let her taxi driver open the bag for her.

Luckily, Bisou was still enjoying a nap amongst her clothing. Phew!

Ms Ciuti called it a miracle.

"How could she survive? At the airport the cases could have been thrown and banged about," Ms Ciuti said.

Bisou is currently in quarantine before she can be shipped back to Egypt.

Click here for images of the cat in a bag

View the original article here

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