Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 3, 2013

Climber captures mountain fall on camera


Mark Roberts' helmet camera captured his 30m fall down a Welsh mountian.This is him going up. Picture: YouTube Source: No Source

Climber fall

Down he goes. Mark Robert's helmet camera captures his fall down a Welsh mountain. Picture: YouTube Source: No Source

A ROCK climber's helmet camera has filmed his entire 30 second fall down a mountain.

Mark Roberts was scaling Fern Gulley in Snowdonia north Wales when a block of ice fell on him from above causing him to lose his grip.

In the video Mr Roberts can be seen using ice picks to climb the mountain. As the ice chunck hits him he loses his grip and slips down the mountain hitting rocks and flipping over along the way.

He finally comes to rest on a ledge where, amazingly, he survives and reaches up to touch his head.

Mr Roberts was rescued from the ledge airlifted by an RAF search and rescue team suffering a broken ankle and bruises within 30 minutes of the fall.

The British Mountaineering Council's Elfyn Jones, who was part of the rescue team, told The Next Web: "I think the key message here is that accidents do happen, but that Mark was well equipped, wearing a helmet, and that probably saved his life."

Watch the amazing fall below.

View the original article here

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